Access VXT wherever you are
Rest assured, knowing that you will still have full access to VXT just as you would in the office, even if you are working in a remote desktop environment.
The team at Bishop have enjoyed and valued the partnership with VXT and always appreciated their friendly, responsive and authentic style of operation. Whilst they promote a technology solution they have found a way of doing so with tremendous humanity!
Robert Bishop
Bishop Associates
Frequently asked questions
Is the transcription feature secure?
VXT takes security seriously and implements various measures to protect the data generated through call transcriptions. All transcriptions are encrypted during transmission and storage, ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential.
Additionally, access to transcriptions is restricted to authorized users only, further enhancing the security of your data. Regular security audits are conducted to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.
Still got questions?
Integrated with software you use
Explore modern communication
VXT works on the device you are using right now.